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Renewal & Restoration Ministry Outreach

Welcome to our Renewal and Restoration Ministry page.  If you are involved in full-time Christian Ministry and need to spend some time focusing on renewal or restoration, we would love to hear from you!  All of our support is based on God's Word.

Spend a few minutes reviewing our areas of support shown below and contact us at 806-470-5228.  We look forward to receiving your call and making arrangements for you to experience our caring and effective support.  If you prefer, feel free to contact us by clicking here.

Personal Confidential Coaching

Schedule a one-hour, complimentary coaching conversation.  During this time, we will learn about your situation, identify some initial steps toward healing, and confirm a timeline based on agreed assignments.

We will also discuss our fit to pursue a 6-month or 1-year coaching relationship with a focus toward accomplishing your renewal or restoration goals. 

 Restoration Experience

This support includes a live-in one-week or two-week renewal and/or restoration period during which you (couple or individual) will engage in times of prayer, coaching, meditation, and fellowship.  Specific issues will be addressed within a safe, caring, and confidential environment.  

For more details, call 806-470-5228 or click here to complete your request online.

 Missionary Field Support

We'll work with your Missionary Organization to arrange for a field trip intervention to jump-start a coaching relationship that requires an initial face-to-face engagement.  Your Mission Board will determine if a field trip is needed.  In some cases, you and any family members may be required to take a furlough to help support your situation.

For more details, call 806-470-5228 or click here to complete your request online.  You may wish to provide this website page information to your Mission Board.  Here is the link:

Here are Some Additional Ministry Support Areas

Church Leadership Strategic 

Planning and Retreats

We provide customized facilitation for your church leadership team's strategic planning and/or retreats.  Strategic planning sessions and retreats are both beneficial opportunities for your church leadership team to come together to hear from God's Word, to reflect on various ministry outcomes, and to discuss and plan for ministry changes, new considerations, and other important issues and opportunities for your local church.

The value of an external facilitator allows all team members to contribute and be fully involved in the strategic planning or retreat process.  Ensuring a Christ-centered focus throughout the proceedings enables a powerful working of the Holy Spirit.  

We look forward to supporting your local church.  Give us a call at 806-470-5228 and let us discuss your specific needs.  If you prefer, click on the below button to schedule the first of three 60-minute conversations to discuss your needs.


Confidential Executive Coaching 

As a Pastor, there are times when you may wish for an opportunity to confide in someone who is totally detached from your ministry environment, someone who is a confidential and trusted individual with whom you can meet for a one-time visit or for an extended period of time. .   

For your 60-minute, confidential, complimentary conversation, call 806-470-5228 to arrange a meeting time, or click on the below button to schedule your confidential, complimentary conversation.

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